Tributes to the fallen

Of all the grave sites in the Christopher Columbus Cemetery in Havana, the one to Amelia Goyri is the most visited and revered. An article in the Toronto Star explains why.

To Amelia Goyri are attributed many miracles which occurred after her death. Each of these tablets is a tribute of thanks to her.

To Amelia Goyri are attributed many miracles which occurred after her death. Each of these tablets is a tribute of thanks to her.

A colourful memorial.

A colourful memorial.

I believe this to be a communal or family plot, with each small plaque in memory of a different individual.

I believe this to be a communal or family plot, with each small plaque in memory of a different individual.

Unnamed, but numbered.

Unnamed, but numbered.

Two tiny floral tributes.

Two tiny floral tributes.

This is the fifth in a series of six posts about Cementerio de Cristobal Colón.

8 comments on “Tributes to the fallen

  1. Impressive… and nicely photographed!

  2. Beautifully photographed.

  3. inesephoto says:

    Wow. Thank you for this excursion.

  4. Thank you for sharing …

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